installation guide

Installing UltraStudio

Version: 17.01

This section describes how to install UltraStudio within IntelliJ IDEA and set it up properly.

Further, in-order to use connectors and processors of Project-X framework, you need to configure few maven settings. This section elaborates on those settings as well.

Integrating UltraStudio with IntelliJ IDEA


  • Oracle JDK 1.8

  • Maven 3.3.x

  • IntelliJ IDEA Community/Ultimate Edition 2016.3 or newer version

Open IntelliJ IDEA open Settings window (Files → Settings) and under plugins section, click on Install Plugin from disk…​ button. Next select the “” file and click on open button (figure a). After that UltraStudio will be integrated with IntelliJ IDEA and you will need to restart IDEA to take effect.

install ustudio

Configuring Maven Settings

All the Project-X related dependencies required for the UltraStudio is obtained through S3 protocol and in order to access the S3 dependency repository, you need to configure the authentication properties.

First, go the the Maven home directory. this is usually named as .m2. If you are using windows, this directory is at C:\Users\{username}\.m2. If you are using MacOS or any linux distribution, then this directory is within the user’s home directory.

If there is a file named settings.xml in that directory, then open it and add below content under servers section.


If there is not a file named settings.xml, then create a new file with that name and add content specified below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><settings xmlns=""


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