Sending a Message through UltraESB

If you have followed the documentation in-order, you might have already started the UltraESB in the section on Running UltraESB, with the default configuration, in which case you can skip the "Start UltraESB" section. If not, you need to start the UltraESB to continue this section, which demonstrates how you can use the Adroitlogic SOA Toolbox to send a message through the UltraESB, running the default configuration described in the previous section.

SOA Toolbox
While this section introduces the SOA Toolbox it uses very few functions of the Toolbox to demonstrate the message flow through the UltraESB. For a complete reference on the SOA Toolbox please refer to the SOA Toolbox Documentation.

Start UltraESB

To start the UltraESB with the default configuration, navigate to the bin directory of the ULTRA_HOME installation directory and fire the or the ultraesb.bat as appropriate, depending on your operating system.

On Linux based systems;

$ cd ULTRA_HOME/bin
$ ./

On Windows based systems, navigate to the bin directory of the ULTRA_HOME installation directory using a windows explorer and double click on the ultraesb.bat file

Introduction to SOA Toolbox

The SOA Toolbox provides many tools for running the UltraESB samples and some other general SOA utility tools. The SOA Toolbox chapter of the documentation will discuss the complete reference of the tools available in the SOA Toolbox, while this section will use the facility to start the sample back end server and will use the SOA client tools to send messages to the UltraESB.

SOA Toolbox shipped with UltraESB is a standalone Java swing application. To run the toolbox use the or the toolbox.bat scripts as appropriate, depending on your operating system.

To start the toolbox on Linux based systems;

$ cd ULTRA_HOME/bin
$ ./

On Windows based systems, use the windows explorer to navigate to the bin directory of the ULTRA_HOME installation directory and double click on the toolbox.bat file.

The toolbox should now be launched and you should see a Java swing application.

Running the sample EchoService

The echo-proxy as discussed in the previous sections forwards messages into a back-end service named EchoService running under the URL http://localhost:9000/service/EchoProxy. The SOA toolbox ha an easy option to start this sample service.

Click on the "File" menu and select New > Jetty Server from the cascading menu or alternatively the Ctrl+J shortcut key to create a new Jetty Server instance which hosts the sample services used by UltraESB.

toolbox jetty server menu

Now you should see the Jetty Server panel tab on the Toolbox application. Click on the "Start Jetty" button on the top of the pane just after the port as shown below by (1), to start the Jetty Server with the sample EchoService hosted on it;

toolbox jetty server pane scaled

You should see the Start Jetty button as a disabled button and the Stop Jetty button as an active button, once the sample Jetty server has completed starting. Once it is started, the EchoService on port 9000 having the service URL http://localhost:9000/service/EchoService should be ready.

Now you can invoke the echo-proxy, as the back-end sample server is up and running.

Sending a message to the UltraESB echo-proxy

Once again the SOA Toolbox can be used to send a message to the echo-proxy running at the service URL http://localhost:8280/service/echo-proxy.

Click on the "File" menu and select New > HTTP/S Client from the cascading menu or alternatively the Ctrl+C shortcut key to create a new HTTP/S client instance which can be used to post any HTTP/S message.

toolbox http client menu

Now you should see the HTTP/S Client panel tab on the Toolbox application. Using this client application we are going to invoke the echo-proxy deployed by the UltraESB default configuration. To invoke the echo proxy, follow the steps given below, and the respective action on the screen shot.

  1. Check the URL of the invoking service to be "http://localhost:8280/service/echo-proxy". The default value of the client application is the per said value and hence you do not need to edit it for this exercise.

  2. Check the HTTP method on the right side of the URL to be "POST" meaning that we are going to do a HTTP POST request to the given URL. Again you do not need to change this as the default value will be POST.

  3. Then select the HTTP message body to be sent to the service. There are 4 pre-sets available out of which we are going to use the first one, so click on the "1" pre-set message body.

  4. Observe the message body filled in with the pre-set message 1 on the request pane

  5. Click on the "Send" button in the middle of the request and response panes to invoke the echo-proxy service with the given message content.

toolbox http client pane

The send button click action sends a message to the echo-proxy and based on it’s configuration it forwards the request to the back-end sample EchoService and the response from that service gets forward to the client. Then you will see the response on the response pane as follows;

toolbox http client pane response

You have invoked the echo-proxy with the sample message which ran through the UltraESB to the back-end EchoService and the response delivered back to the client via UltraESB. The next section on the message execution flow shows you the facts to verify the execution flow and presents an analysis of it.

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