
Creating a Project

Version: 17.07

Developer Guide


With Ultra Studio, there are mainly two ways to create a new project.

  1. Either you can create a new project with only the required component dependencies and keep on building the integration flows you want.

  2. Otherwise, if you are completely new to the Ultra Studio, then the best way to start exploring projects is through a sample project. In the sample project repository, there are various types of sample projects and you can select one and create a project which includes the sample integration flows in that project. Once, you create a sample project, you can directly run it and send messages through it without any configuration.

Creating an Empty Project

Configuring project details

project info screenshot

In-order to create an empty project go to File menu and select New Project. Next select Empty Ultra Project and continue. After that as shown in the above image, you will be presented with a wizard to enter the project details. Keep in mind that this new project will be a maven project and hence, you have to specify the maven specific properties such as Group ID, and Version. The base package represent the base package name for your custom Java classes and UltraESB version is the specific version of the Project-X which should be used with this project.

Next, you have to specify the release artifact URL. This URL must point to the remote maven repository where the Project-X release artifacts can be obtained. Similarly, the SNAPSHOT URL represent the remote maven repository where the SNAPSHOT artifacts of the UltraESB can be obtained.

It is highly discouraged to use SNAPSHOT artifacts in production environment since they are highly brittle. In production environment you must always use release artifacts which are stable.

Selecting Connectors and Processors

component screenshot

After Clicking next button, you will be presented with the connector component list. This list contains various connectors which provide the facility to handle various transports such as HTTP/S, JMS, SFTP, etc. You can select connectors you want for your project from this list and that connector will be automatically added to you project as a dependency.

In the next step of the wizard, you will be presented with a list of processors which can be added to your project as dependencies. This processor list contains various types of processing elements which you can use in your integration flows to manipulate messages which are flowing through the UltraESB.

After selecting which components you want to be added to your project, you will be presented with the final step of the project creation wizard. In this step, you have to specify the name of your project and the location on your file system where this should be created. With that you are done with creating a new empty project and click on the finish button to continue.

Creating a Sample Project

sample repo screenshot

In-order to create a sample project, select Sample Ultra Project from the new project creation wizard. Next, as did in creating an empty project, specify the project specific details and proceed by clicking the next button. Then the Sample Repository will be loaded and you can directly download the sample you want by clicking on the download button or you can read more about the sample by clicking on the view button.

Mainly there are three types of samples in the Sample Repository as

  1. Introductory

  2. Intermediary

  3. Advanced

If you are new to Project-X, you should start with an Introductory sample to get an idea about the whole concept. After selecting the sample, it will be automatically downloaded and click on the next button and specify the location on your file system where the project should be created.

Adding Project as Maven Project

add to mvn screenshot

After successfully creating the project, open the Maven Projects tab in Intellij IDEA (No. 1) and then click on the Reimport All Maven Projects button (No 2) in-order to import the project as a maven project. It will take some time and you will notice that IntelliJ IDEA is downloading and resolving dependencies specified in the pom.xml file in your project. If you are not familiar with maven, you must first refer link::[the maven startup guide].

When downloading/resolving the dependencies process completes, the Maven Projects tab should look similar to the one shown in below image. Keep in mind that, the dependencies in your project can be different from the ones shown in the figure. However, all the dependencies specified in the pom.xml file has to be there in the dependencies section.

mvn deps screenshot

Now the new Ultra Project is all set and you can add Integration Flows and configure them with necessary components.

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