ux term


Version: 17.07

Logging Management Commands

These commands facilitate management of loggers, appenders and log levels of the UltraESB-X server.

list-loggers, ll

Lists all loggers matching the specified query (Java package prefix).

Syntax: ll <query> [-v]


query (Java package prefix) to list loggers for

-v, --verbose

displays all available details for each logger (including code prefix, additivity and parent)

list-appenders, la

Lists all appenders configured on the server.

Syntax: la [-v]

-v, --verbose

displays all available details for each appender (including threshold and pattern)

view-logger, vl

Shows details of a specific logger on the server.

Syntax: vl <name>


name (usually fully qualified Java class name) of the logger

view-appender, va

Shows details of a specific appender on the server.

Syntax: va <name>


name of the appender

add-logger, al

Defines a new logger on the server, with the provided configurations. If the logger already exists, this command will silently update it.

Syntax: al <name> <component-type> <module-id> <logger-id> [-a <arg>] [-l <arg>]


fully qualified class name for the logger


Project-X component type (up to 3 digits) for this logger


a module ID (up to 3 digits) for this logger, unique under its component type


a logger ID (up to 2 digits) for this logger, unique within its component type and module

-a, --additivity

additivity: whether the logs should be propagated to the parent logger as well; true or false

-l, --level

logging level to enable (from ALL or TRACE, to ERROR or OFF)

update-logger, ul

Updates an existing logger on the server, with the provided level and/or additivity. If the logger does not exist, this command will throw an error.

Syntax: ul <name> [-a <arg>] [-l <arg>]


fully qualified class name for the logger

-a, --additivity

additivity (see above); skip if this does not need to be changed

-l, --level

logging level (see above); skip if this does not need to be changed

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