message ux term


Version: 17.07

Message Tracing Commands

These commands facilitate the management of message tracing on the UltraESB-X server, and the viewing of paths and details of traced messages.

message-tracing-status, mts

Displays the current message tracing status (enabled/disabled) of the server.

Syntax: mts

enable-message-tracing, emt

Enables message tracing mode on the server.

Syntax: emt

disable-message-tracing, dmt

Disables message tracing mode on the server.

Syntax: dmt

view-message-received, vmr

Displays the last message received by an integration flow element (while tracing was enabled).

Syntax: vmr <project-id> <project-version> <flow-id> <element-id> [-p] [-m] [-c] [-t] [-s] [-v]


ID of the project which contains the integration flow


version of the project which contains the integration flow


ID of the integration flow which contains the desired element


ID of the element itself, whose last received message should be viewed

-p, --show-payload

displays message payload (possibly truncated)

-m, --show-message-properties

displays message properties

-c, --show-context-properties

displays properties in the message context

-t, --show-transport-headers

displays transport headers associated with the message

-s, --show-scope-variables

displays scope variables in the message context

-v, --verbose

displays all details, equivalent to -p -m -c -t -s

view-message-path, vmp

Displays the path taken by the last message through an integration flow (while tracing was enabled).

Syntax: vmp <project-id> <project-version> <flow-id>


ID of the project which contains the integration flow


version of the project which contains the integration flow


ID of the integration flow to be examined

view-message-in-flow, vmif

Displays the state information of the last message that propagated between two elements in an integration flow (while tracing had been enabled), at the time that it was propagating between those elements.

Syntax: vmif <project-id> <project-version> <flow-id> <source-element-id> <out-port-name> <target-element-id> [-p] [-m] [-c] [-t] [-s] [-v]


ID of the project which contains the integration flow


version of the project which contains the integration flow


ID of the integration flow to be examined


ID of the element itself, whose last received message should be viewed


ID of the element from which the message path emerges


name of the out port via which the message path emerges from the source element


ID of the element marking the end of the message path

-p, --show-payload

displays message payload (possibly truncated)

-m, --show-message-properties

displays message properties

-c, --show-context-properties

displays properties in the message context

-t, --show-transport-headers

displays transport headers associated with the message

-s, --show-scope-variables

displays scope variables in the message context

-v, --verbose

displays all details, equivalent to -p -m -c -t -s

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