Configuring the [Local] Trading Station

The Trading Station of the Organization specifies the AS2 protocol configuration options for AS2 level communication with other Trading partners. To define a new Trading Station, select Add Trading Station from the Trading Stations module in the Dashboard, or the Quick Access menu at the top of the page.

Adding a new Trading Station - Basic Mode

The basic configuration options are greatly simplified to allow easy configuration by specifying only a very few important aspects of a new Trading Station - such as its "AS2 Identifier" (which is shared with your trading partners), and the Name it will be referred to by the AS2Gateway.

add station basic

Listing Current Trading Stations

trading station list

The Trading Stations list shows the currently configured trading stations of the organization. You may select 'View Trading Stations’link from the 'Quick Access' menu or the Dashboard.

Sharing the Partner Configuration with your Trading Partners

Once your Trading Station is defined, you will need to send its 'Partner Configuration' details to your Trading Partners, for them to send messages to your organization. To view the Partner Configuration for your new Trading Station, select its 'Partner Config' action from the trading stations table.

partner config

This screen allows you to easily email this AS2 configuration to your trading partners, as well as to download the public Certificate of your Trading station as a DER (Binary) or PEM (Text) encoded certificate to be sent by other means. Your trading partners require your certificates, AS2 Identifier and the communication URL and the Asynchronous MDN URL to communicate with your trading station.

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