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IMonitor-X Installation

Version: 17.07


The following prerequisites are essential for the deployment of AdroitLogic Integration Monitor-X.

  • System with a linux/unix based OS and an internet connection

  • Java Runtime Environment 8 or later

  • Oracle or MySQL database

  • A cluster or a single instance of UltraESB-X v17.07

  • A Cluster or a single instance of Elasticsearch v5.1.1

Elasticsearch can be either downloaded from their official site and run as a separate process (which is recommended for large deployments) or the embedded Elasticsearch server of UltraESB-X can be used.

Downloading IMonitor-X

The AdroitLogic Integration Monitor-X bundle can be download from our product page. Once you fill the download form, an email will be sent to the provided email address with the download link for the application bundle.

This application bundle includes,

  • A jetty based servlet container with embedded AdroitLogic Integration Monitor-X

  • Database creation and initialization scripts

  • 30-day evaluation license key

Extract the application bundle and there will be 2 directories inside. Copy the imonitor-x-17.07 directory that contains the IMonitor-X application to a desired location on the file system. The Database Scripts directory will contain the database creation and initialization scripts, that will be used in the next step of this guide.

The download email will also have a file named as an attachement. This file will be used when we configure IMonitor-X in a later step.

Setting up Database

The AdroitLogic IMonitor-X can be used with either a MySQL or an Oracle database. The sql scripts for database schema creation and initialization can be found inside the Database Scripts/ directory of the downloaded application bundle.

MySQL database

  1. Create a new database to be used by IMonitor-X.

  1. Create a new database user and grant privileges of the newly created database to that user.

CREATE USER 'imuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON IMX_DB . * TO 'imuser'@'localhost';
  1. As the newly created user, import the sql script Database Scripts/db-schema-mysql.sql to the database. This script will create the database tables, indices and database level constraints required by IMonitor-X.

mysql -u imuser -p IMX_DB < db-schema-mysql.sql
  1. Then as the newly created user, execute the sql script Database Scripts/db-init-mysql.sql on the database, which will insert the initialization data.

mysql -u imuser -p IMX_DB < db-init-mysql.sql

Oracle database

  1. Create a new user to be used by IMonitor-X. Make sure that this user has the necessary system privileges to create sessions, tables, views, triggers, procedures, sequences and synonyms.

  2. Open the sql script Database Scripts/db-schema-oracle.sql, replace the username IMX_USER with the username of the newly created user and run the modified script against the database. This script will create the database tables, indices, sequences, triggers and database level constraints required by IMonitor-X.

  3. Open the sql script Database Scripts/db-init-oracle.sql, replace the username IMX_USER with the username of the newly created user and execute the modified script on the database to insert initialization data.

Once all the above installation steps are completed, head to the next section for the Configuration Guide of IMonitor-X.

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