prj view icon

Project details

Version: 17.07

The Ultra Project view provides more in-depth details of a particular project and related entities. This view has three main sections as Configuration, Statistics and Integration Flows.


prj view config

The Configuration section displays the configuration information (1) of the project such as its project ID, project name, project version and the project description. Also the state table (2) indicates the current state of the project (e.g.: Started, Stopped, Paused, etc) in each UltraESB-X instance of the cluster space and also provides control buttons (3) to start/stop project only on that particular instance.

In addition to that, following control buttons are also available in this section.

Refresh Info (3)

Refreshes the configuration information and status information

Start (4)

Invoke a command to all the UltraESB-X instances of the cluster to start this project and related entities such as integration flows, connectors and transports. The instances that are in a state to execute this command will execute it and other instances will ignore it.
Ideally after the successful invocation of this command, state values of all the UltraESB-X instances (table 2) should be STARTED.

Stop (5)

Invoke a command to all the UltraESB-X instances of the cluster to stop this project and related entities such as integration flows, connectors and transports. The instances that are in a state to execute this command will execute it and other instances will ignore it.
Ideally after the successful invocation of this command, state values of all the UltraESB-X instances (table 2) should be STOPPED.


prj view stats

The Time Range Picker at the top (1) can be used to select a time range, for which the statistics will be displayed. This time range picker has a set of pre-defined ranges such as Last Hour, Today, This Week, This Month and it is also possible to select a custom time range as well. If the selected time range is Last Hour, the statistics will be automatically updated at each 10 seconds.

Depending on the length of the selected time range, the granularity of the data shown on statistics graphs varies. Please refer the following table on the relationship between time range length and data granularity.

Time range length Granularity

Less than or equal 1 day

per minute aggregated data

Less than or equal 1 week

hourly aggregated data

Greater tha 1 week

Daily aggregated data

Below the time range picker, following metrics streams on various aspects of a project are shown in a graphical manner.

Received messages

The number of messages received for this project

Sent messages

The number of messages sent out of this project

Successful egress messages

The number of successfully sent egress messages by this project

Failed egress messages

The number of failed egress messages by this project

Successful executions

The number of times the integration flows of this project have been successfully completed execution

Failed executions

The number of times the integration flows of this project have been encountered execution failures

The minimum, maximum, average and total values for each of the above streams are also displayed for the selected time range.

The refresh button (2) can be used to refresh the current metrics values when auto refresh functionality is not in use.

Integration Flows

prj view flows

The Integration Flows section contains a table view (1) that lists all the integration flows of this project and their current state. The Refresh button (2) can be used to update the information of this table to the current values. A View button (3) is provided for each flow and it can be used to navigate to the Flow Details View.

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