Instances of a Cluster

Version: 17.07

Supported Since: 17.01

IPS provides a comprehensive view of the instances running inside a cluster. You can observe the status and health of those instances by going to the Instances tab of the Cluster Detail view. The resulting view lists all pods of the current cluster, including those belonging to previous deployments of the cluster (if they are still in Terminating state).

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Figure 1. Instances view of a cluster

For an ESB instance within IPS might have several states

  • Running: Instance is healthy and running

  • Pending: Waiting to acquire resources in IPS platform to start deployment

  • Container Creating: Crating the instance

  • Crash Loopback Off: Failed to start the instance

  • Image Pullback Off: Failed to create the container with provided UltraESB Docker Image

Clicking Details button against an instance will open a detailed view of it.

  • General tab in the detailed view displays metadata of the instance:

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Figure 2. Detail view of an ESB instance

It also provides options to access the ESB logs, console logs, events, snapshot feature and IPS-Worker Management for an instance, on the tab header.

  • Deployed Projects tab in the detailed view displays projects that have been started successfully on the instance.

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Figure 3. Projects deployed in the instance
  • Details view of a deployed project displays metadata of the project in General tab and all its active integration flows in the Integration Flows tab (see Project Management for details).

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Figure 4. Project information
  • Statistics tab displays statistics specific to the instance (see Statistics for details).

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Figure 5. Instance specific statistics
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