IPS Installer

IPS Installer provides a single-node IPS installation for trial evaluation. This installer will create a Virtual Machine on your local machine and set up the environment and tools that are required to start a minimal IPS setup.

IPS Installer is distributed only for evaluation purposes and should not be used for production use.



at least 6GB free

Disk space

at least 2GB free

Operating system

Mac OS or Linux x64 (Windows not supported)

Virtualization software

VirtualBox v5.1.8 or above

Access to IPS Docker images

via a free Docker Hub account

Internet connectivity

The installer will download the necessary Docker images during installation


Installation steps

  • Add <ips_installer>/bin directory to the system path:

    export PATH=$PATH:<ips_installer absolute path>/bin

  • Navigate to the <ips_installer>/bin directory:

    cd <ips_installer>/bin

  • Run IPS Installer using the following command:

    ips_installer start

  • When prompted, provide your Docker Hub account username and password, which would be used to authenticate to Docker Hub for downloading the necessary images.

  • Wait until the installation completes.

  • Once the installer completes running, obtain the IP address (VM-IP) of the started virtual machine using:

    ips_installer ip

  • Go to the IPS Dashboard at https://VM-IP:30080 using your web browser. Use the username admin and password admin to log in to the Dashboard.

Managing IPS Installer

  • To stop the running IPS virtual machine: ips_installer stop

  • To uninstall, along with the installed virtual machine: ips_installer delete

  • For logging into the virtual machine running IPS: ips_installer ssh

Check out Components of IPS on the navigation pane for details and usage guides on the wide variety of facilities, features and tools IPS has in store for you.

Check Samples on the navigation pane for some ready-made sample projects you can try out with IPS Installer. Please refer our Running a Sample guide for details about the deployment process.

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