
Version: 17.07

Supported Since: 17.01

Instance Snapshots

It is possible to retrieve the current running status (conf, projects and logs directories) of an ESB instance as a single archive via IPS, which can be useful for troubleshooting.

  • Navigate to Detail view of an instance.

  • Click Take Snapshot button on the tab header.

S2I workflow
Figure 1. Instance Snapshot
  • If a snapshot has already been created on the instance, IPS will offer you the option to either download the existing snapshot or discard it and create a new snapshot. If you choose to use the existing snapshot, it will be directly downloaded.

  • If you choose to create a new snapshot, or if no previous snapshot exists on the instance, the subsequent snapshot creation and download procedure is quite similar to the cluster configuration download process.

Cluster Snapshots

At any stage, the current configuration of a cluster can be downloaded as an archive, available via the Download Configurations button on Cluster Detail page.

The archive contains:

  • JSON representations of the Kubernetes Deployment and Service of the cluster

  • JSON representations of all Pods of the current deployment

  • Snapshots of each ESB instance in the cluster with a successfully deployed management endpoint

Collectively, these configurations serve as a snapshot of the cluster at a given point in time, and can be utilized for error reporting and troubleshooting.

To obtain a configuration snapshot:

  • Navigate to Configurations page of the cluster.

  • Click Download Configurations button on the tab header.

S2I workflow
Figure 2. Cluster Snapshot
  • A spinner indicates that the configuration archival has started and is in progress.

  • Once the archival is complete, IPS will show a confirmation pop-up indicating the overall status of the snapshot. Click Yes to download the generated snapshot, and save the resulting file.

  • If the archival fails for some reason, you can still attempt to download any partial result generated (which may not contain some of the diagnostic outputs listed above).

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