Troubleshooting the IPS Installer

While we have tried our best to make IPS Installer itself and the testing process as simple and error-proof as possible, we cannot yet guarantee that the end-to-end process is completely bulletproof. Hence if you encounter an issue, please remain calm and patient, and go through the following troubleshooting guide, which would most probably provide a satisfactory resolution.

Common Issues


I cannot submit the product evaluation form.

Please write to us at explaining the situation so that we can issue a license for you. It would be much appreciated if you could mention your operating system, browser version and a description of the problem you are facing (e.g. "after clicking the Submit button, nothing happens/the spinner keeps on rotating"; preferably with an accompanying screenshot), along with any other information that you believe might be useful (such as any firewalls/proxies sitting between you and the internet) so that we can further investigate the issue.

I submitted the product evaluation form but did not receive a license/confirmation email.

Please check your spam/junk mail folders, in case the email has been flagged as one. (If that happens to be the case, please inform us immediately.) It might also be useful to check other folders (e.g. trash/archive) in case you had accidentally deleted/archived the email, or an automated mechanism (e.g. a filter) had done the same. If you still cannot find the email, please contact us at so that we can resend you the license.

I cannot download the IPS installer package from the URL provided in the license email.

Please contact us at explaining the error/issue you are facing, so that we can send you an alternative download link.

I cannot find an IPS installer package suitable for my platform.

Unfortunately, the IPS demo installer currently supports only 64-bit Linux and Mac OS X platforms. We do have plans for a Windows-compatible release but the timeline is yet undecided. We are currently focusing on a cloud-hosted evaluation release which is planned for early next year.


When invoking ips_installer start
ips_installer: command not found
  • The <ips_installer>/bin directory has not been added to the system path ($PATH).

  • Ensure that you have added the <ips_installer>/bin to $PATH, and that the current execution shell includes the updated $PATH variable (e.g. by running echo $PATH)

At installer startup
E1005 10:59:03.383763   14252 start.go:111] Error starting host: Error starting stopped host:
Error setting up host only network on machine start: The host-only adapter we just created is not visible.
This is a well known VirtualBox bug.
You might want to uninstall it and reinstall at least version 5.0.12 that is is supposed to fix this issue.
E1005 10:59:03.414545   14252 start.go:117] Error starting host:  Error starting stopped host:
Error setting up host only network on machine start: The host-only adapter we just created is not visible.
This is a well known VirtualBox bug.
You might want to uninstall it and reinstall at least version 5.0.12 that is is supposed to fix this issue
  • VirtualBox is not installed/configured, or the VirtualBox services are not running.

  • Ensure that VirtualBox is installed and running properly. We recommend VirtualBox 5.1.8 or above.

During environment preparation
E0905 21:49:35.299427   27289 start.go:159] Error updating cluster:  Failed to perform IPS specific changes:
Failed to transfer external libs to VM: Missing file mysql-connector-java-5.1.38-bin.jar in lib directory.
Please refer to readme for required files
  • The MySQL client library could not be found in the lib directory.

  • Ensure that you have placed a copy of the MySQL Connector-J JAR file, with the exact name mysql-connector-java-5.1.38-bin.jar, in the lib folder.

During fetching of online resources
E0905 21:37:17.311361   25952 start.go:159] Error updating cluster:  Failed to perform IPS specific changes:
Failed to fetch licence for IPS deployment: Failed to connect to the license from license server:
dial tcp: lookup on server misbehaving


{"errorDetail":{"message":"Error while pulling image: Get
dial tcp: lookup on server misbehaving"},"error":"Error while pulling image:
Get dial tcp: lookup on
server misbehaving"}
During license generation (1)
E0905 21:30:53.088236   25287 start.go:159] Error updating cluster:  Failed to perform IPS specific changes:
Failed to fetch licence for IPS deployment: Error in reading client key file: open ../conf/license/
no such file or directory
  • The file is not present in the conf/license directory.

  • Ensure that you have placed the file (from the download confirmation email) in the conf/license directory.

During license generation (2)
E1005 11:08:54.830777   14982 start.go:159] Error updating cluster:  Failed to perform IPS specific changes:
Failed to fetch licence for IPS deployment:
Error in reading license key file: open ../conf/license/ no such file or directory
  • The file is not present in the conf/license directory.

  • If you have deleted the file, extract the original license key (conf/license/ from the IPS installer zip archive) and retry after placing it in conf/license directory. Alternatively you can also discard the entire installer directory and start over by extracting the installer zip archive afresh.

During license generation (3)
E0905 21:38:36.609078   26493 start.go:159] Error updating cluster:  Failed to perform IPS specific changes:
Failed to fetch licence for IPS deployment: Failed to fetch a license from provided details : {}. Status code : 403
  • The client key is invalid or has already been used for a different IPS demo installation.

    1. If you have already tried out IPS using the client key ( placed in conf/license) and wish to start over (i.e. already deleted the previous VM, either via ips_installer delete or via the VirtualBox management interface), please contact us so that we can issue a new client key (license) for you.

    2. If you have modified the client (or license) key files in any way, please re-download the original key from the confirmation email (or extract the original license key (conf/license/ from the IPS installer zip archive) and retry after placing it in conf/license directory, overwriting the existing file.

    3. If your issue does not correspond to any of the above, please contact us at so we can provide you with a solution.

During image fetch (1)
Error in pulling image. Retrying ..
Error in pulling image. Retrying ..
E0905 22:04:31.410265   29275 start.go:159] Error updating cluster:  Failed to perform IPS specific changes:
 Failed to pull Docker images: Error response from daemon: Get
 unauthorized: incorrect username or password
  • The provided Docker ID or password is invalid.

  • Ensure that you have provided the correct Docker ID and password at the image download confirmation prompt. The Docker ID should be the same as what you entered in the evaluation form.

During image fetch (2)
Detected image pull error :  {"status":"Pulling repository"}
{"errorDetail":{"message":"Error: image adroitlogic/ipsweb not found"},"error":"Error: image adroitlogic/ipsweb not found"}

Error in pulling image. Retrying ..
  • Permission denied for accessing IPS Docker images, due to a Docker ID mismatch

    1. Ensure that you enter the same Docker ID that was used in filling the evaluation form.

    2. Check the email address you have registered for your Docker account, for an email indicating that you have been added to a new group.

    3. If you are certain that you entered the correct Docker ID at the confirmation prompt, please write to us at so that we can investigate and rectify the situation.

End of installation
Failed to run local kube start script. Trying fall back method
E0909 13:03:50.546745   68868 start.go:169] Error starting cluster:  Error running ssh command:
if which systemctl 2>&1 1>/dev/null; then
  printf %s "[Unit]


ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/localkube   --extra-config=kubelet.KubeReserved=cpu=1000m,memory=1500Mi --generate-certs=false --logtostderr=true --enable-dns=false --node-ip=

ExecReload=/bin/kill -s HUP $MAINPID

" | sudo tee /usr/lib/systemd/system/localkube.service
  sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  sudo systemctl restart localkube.service
  sudo killall localkube || true

# Run with nohup so it stays up. Redirect logs to useful places.
sudo sh -c 'PATH=/usr/local/sbin:$PATH nohup /usr/local/bin/localkube   --extra-config=kubelet.KubeReserved=cpu=1000m,memory=1500Mi --generate-certs=false --logtostderr=true --enable-dns=false --node-ip= > /var/lib/localkube/localkube.out 2> /var/lib/localkube/localkube.err < /dev/null & echo $! > /var/run/ &'

: Process exited with: 1. Reason was:  ()
  • This is an error we have been experiencing randomly with Minikube.

    1. Try running ips_installer stop and ips_installer start again.

    2. If you continue to receive the same error, please send us an error report as described under the error-reporting section.

If the installer stops halfway due to one of the above errors, and you wish to leave the set-up aside for later investigation, please ensure that you shut down the underlying virtual machine by executing ips_installer stop in order to release the utilized system resources.

Visiting the Dashboard

Browser error (1)

Strange set of characters (�) or an error is displayed, instead of the dashboard view.
E.g. in Google Chrome:

This page isn’t working sent an invalid response.
Browser error (2)

Browser displays a security error/warning: Your connection is not secure, Your connection is not private, etc.

  • Caused by a self-signed HTTPS certificate used in the IPS dashboard web application

  • Since you are accessing a locally-running web application (running effectively inside your own system), the warning can be safely ignored. In order to do so, please add a security exception for the certificate. The methodology may vary based on your browser and version, E.g.

    1. Mozilla Firefox: AdvancedAdd ExceptionConfirm Security Exception

    2. Google Chrome: AdvancedProceed to (unsafe)

Reporting an Error

If you encounter an error that has not been listed above (or has no feasible resolution), we would highly appreciate it if you could send us an error report indicating what has went wrong and at what stage, along with a brief description of your system (OS version, architecture (e.g. 64-bit or x64), VirtualBox version)

You can obtain diagnostic information from the set-up by executing the command

ips_installer ssh journalctl > journal.log

Please send the error report, with the journal.log attached (compressed, if possible), to We will get back to you at our earliest, providing a quick fix or a possible workaround.

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